Shaky Ground




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Meet the Band

Check our Gig list for upcoming events!

Gig List

Shaky Ground play a unique mix of Roots music from Rock 'n Roll, through Country (& Western!), Southern Soul, Swing, Hokum, R'n B, Bluegrass, and Americana.

Band Photos

We host a regular Jam night on Thursdays at the Golden Harp, Furze Platt, Maidenhead.
So if you're a musician, or a band looking for an audience, or if you just love live music and are looking for somewhere to go on a Thursday, get yourselves down to the Golden Harp!

People and Places we like!


Shaky Ground are:-
Mike Perry, Vocal & Guitar.
Ian Marriss, Guitar & Vocals.
Peter Rudd, Bass Guitar.
Kevin Oaten, Drums.

Shaky Ground were formed in 1991 from a nucleus of musicians who were regulars at the Sunday night Jams held at the Old Station Inn in Taplow, Berkshire. The Old Station Inn was demolished in 1997, but the band carried on. Mike and Kevin, the two original members found Pete through the small ads in the back of Guitarist magazine in '93, and Ian joined in 1995.

Playing on the Green at Datchet Jubilee Celebrations. Photo by Denny De-Foe.
Stage Truck!

Red Lion, High Wycombe. Photo By Theresa & Clive.
April 2005.
We always have a blast at the Red Lion, & we're looking forward to coming back soon!

Supporting BR5-49. Photo by Graeme Nash.
22 South Street Reading 2004.
Thanks to all the staff for making it a night to remember!